Class 2 spring term clarinet concert.
Is it fair for adverts to be specifically aimed at children.
Year 4 enjoyed performing their poem from Macbeth by Shakespeare for world book day.
The year 3 enjoyed performing their poem ‘Bed in summer’ by Robert Louis Stevenson for world book day.
We have been exploring dance using mechanical movements. Working in groups, we created a 'machine' with cogs, levers, buttons and pistons.
As part of our Anglo-Saxons and Vikings project, Class 2 learnt about the legend of Beowulf. We have written a Kenning about Beowulf and recorded it for you to watch!
As part of our Anglo-Saxons and Vikings project, Class 2 learnt about the legend of Beowulf. We have written a Kenning about Beowulf and recorded it for you to watch!
Thanks to the pupils of Class 2 and Mrs Bongiovanni for the wonderful performance, and for the families who came to watch!